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Privacy and copyright policy: - no email addresses or any details about anyone who mails to this website are given to anyone without their express permission. Contributions are very welcome, and copyright will be respected and attributed to the contributor.

Contact the webmaster: You can email me on hotmail address tommyflockton at hotmail dot co dot uk. Reasons for doing so may include sending stuff to add, correcting errors, and general comments. The old J31 email address still works but was swamped by spam. I've not written the new adddress so as to foil spambots - which are a kind of evil twin to search engine index robots/webcrawlers. Untill the spammers are defeated though (if ever!), please use use the new hotmail address.

Why After prototyping this site in late 1998, the first 'proper' version went live in April 1999 on a free ISP account. For a first attempt it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't good either (poor site structure, indifferent usability, non intuitive navigation, etc.). Learning from such mistakes I published the restructured site on a 'proper' domain in November 1999. J31 by the way is the official designation of the big local junction from the M1 motorway - people trying to find places around here are often given instructions like 'drive up the M1 and get off at junction 31 of the M1...' and as the site wasn't about any specific village in the area then a short and memorable generic name seemed as good as any.

Why did I create this website?
* I looked at what was out there and noticed that while the large places like Rotherham, Worksop, and Sheffield seemed well catered for, my own home villages were bereft of much representation on the web (it's a different story in 2012 now that the internet is mainstream).
* Plus, by profession I'm a technical author and e-learning designer specializing in stuff like online help, webhelp, xml, pdf, eBooks, etc. and website design is part of what I do. is the result. Its structure and appearance have changed occasionally, but towards better usability and content each time (I hope!).

The site has developed organically. I've also chucked in anything that took my fancy, as the site is basically a learning tool and hobby for me.

Advertise and link to your website:

J31.CO.UK gets over 100,000 pageviews from nearly 40,000 visitors every year. If you want to get your company's logo, and website prominently in front of them then advertise on J31.from a prominent 'above the fold' button on over 200 pages.

Paul Newbold MA BSc (Hons) MISTC. Copyright 1999 - 2012

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Web design, content, gfx by Techasaurus. Page content copyright Paul Newbold 2012.